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Local training events

All OPATHY ESRs will enrol in an international PhD programme and will obtain an internationally recognized doctorate degree from the host institution or associated university. The ESRs will actively participate in local training activities, which also provide training in English and the local language, where required. Local training in these areas will be integrated with network events during the annual summer schools. Research and laboratory training will be provided at a local level through the individual research projects and access to local courses, seminars, workshops and conferences. 


An overview can be found at the follwong websites:


Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG)/ Universidad Pompeu Fabra

Fungal Biodiversity Center (CBS-KNAW)/ University of Amsterdam

University College Dublin (UCD)

Hans-Knöll-Institute/ Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Medical University Innsbruck

Ghent University