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Opathy 3rd Annual Meeting and Summer School, Biotechvana, Valencia

26 Aug 1 Sep 2018

The 3rd summer school took place at Biotechvana, Valencia, Spain from 26th of August to 1st of September 2018. The organised lectures and training courses covered the topic "Applied bioinformatics and post-genomics techniques for clinical omics".



Titles of courses:


- Sequencing and genome analysis

- From Bases to Basespace Sequence Hub: Bioinformatics research at Illumina

- Introductory session to Python Programming based on the Anaconda package management system

- Bioinformatic approaches for microorganism identification, typing, and resistance testing by MALDI-TOF

- Methods and bioinformatic protocols for RNAseq

- Comparative Genomics on fungal pathogens

- Bioinformatic tools in applications of VHH antibodies oriented to diagnostics

- Network based multi-omics analyses in the clinical setting

- Ethical use of human samples

- Biosafety aspects, legislation and ethical aspects of scientific publishing

- Ethical aspects of the use of animals in clinical research experiments

- Microarray technology: fundamentals and applications

- Probe design and optimization

- Validating expression patterns by qPCR analysis

- Practical training Session with GPRO Suite: RNAseq and differential expression protocols

- Computational Metabolic Models, a tool with clinical applications

- Artificial Intelligence and Biocomputation for the omic sciences

- Fungal metagenomics and diversity analyses based on 18S/ITS

- Practical session: Protocols for de novo assembly gene prediction and annotation with GPRO Suite

- Assessing different layers of molecular information in omics datatasets

- Methods and tools for calling and annotation of clinically relevant variants (SNPs/Indels) from genome or exome NGS data

- Hands-on work practical session: Reviewing and asssessing variant calls with the IGV Browser


The agenda of the summer school can be found here:

PDF icon opathy_aug2018_final_agenda.pdf702.79 KB
Parque Tecnológico de Valencia (Ed. CEEI)
Avda. Benjamín Franklin, 12
46980 Paterna Valencia
On the map