Biotech Vana SL (BIOTECHVANA) is a SME created in 2006 as a spin-off of the University of Valencia that provides research products and services in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. The company performs fundamental and applied research including internet services, database design, research projects, state-of-the-art software, and science publishing. The Biotechvana headquearters are located at the European Business and Innovation Centre of Valencia (CEEI). In Biotechvana, Dr. Carlos Llorens leads an interdisciplinary group of biologists and computer engineers. Biotechvana headquearters are located at the European Business and Innovation Centre of Valencia (CEEI) in Valencia. The research premises of Biotechvana consist of 60 m2 of computer lab in the CEEI of Valencian and the cluster of servers of Biotechvana, physically emplaced in the Cientific Park of the University of Valencia.